A personal glimpse into the life of the actress and daughter of legendary actor Henry Fonda describes her antiwar activism, feminism, and child advocacy; marriages to French movie director Roger Vadim, activist Tom Hayden, and media billionaire Ted Turner; and her many movies, with rich insights into the struggles of being human.
'There are always regrets in life, among them things we've done that we wish we could take back and erase. I have significant ones that will haunt me forever and which I hope I have been brave enough to confront in this book' Jane Fonda in the preface to My Life So Far.
Now in her 60s, Fonda looks back over her life but also forward to the future. With unflinching honesty she addresses, amongst other things, her tragic and tortured relationships with her mother and father; her lovers and husbands, from Roger Vadim to Ted Turner; her passions and political views. The result is rare in its readability and sheer page-turning force. This is a powerful account of an extraordinary woman.
Claudia de Breij: "Het zijn toch vooral vrouwen van rond de tachtig waar ik mijn inspiratie vandaan haal vandaag de dag. Barbra Streisand, Jane Fonda, in Nederland mensen als Sonja Barend en Hanneke Groenteman. Awesome generatie, jong en activistisch toen, oud en eerlijk nu. Dit boek, Janes autobiografie, is grappig, intelligent, eerlijk en gewoon fantastisch ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️" "Ze is zo schaamteloos eerlijk en intelligent. Heel inspirerend."– Bron
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