A celebration of individuality, diversity, and nonconformity, On Liberty still makes a persuasive argument for what John Stuart Mill believed to be humankind's essential liberties: the freedoms of speech, assembly, and the pursuit of pleasure, so long as one's actions do not impede the liberty of another. These freedoms, he maintained, result in a far more successful society than one ruled by the tyranny of the majority.
An exploration of the limits of government over the individual, this treatise on personal liberty has inspired debate since its publication in 1859, and has provided the foundation for modern liberal political thought.
AmazonClassics brings you timeless works from iconic authors. Ideal for anyone who wants to read a great work for the first time or revisit an old favorite, these new editions open the door to the stories and ideas that have shaped our world.
Barbara Baarsma over boeken lezen voor werk of plezier: "Dat kan goed samengaan, bij biografieën van Keynes of Adam Smith bijvoorbeeld. En een economisch filosoof als John Stuart Mill. 'On Liberty' is negentiende-eeuws, maar nog altijd heel leesbaar en bruikbaar." – Bron
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