Anish Koemar Giri is een in Rusland geboren, maar sinds 2008 in Nederland wonende en voor Nederland uitkomende schaakgrootmeester met de Nederlandse nationaliteit. Giri stond bekend als een wonderkind. Foto: Optiver
Anish Giri: "Upon Carlsen's advice I decided to read the chapter about myself in this modern classic (a must-buy!). Turns out I play significantly worse once my computer preparation ends. Now I just need a good coach to fix that minor issue in my play. Anyone? #becomingAlphaZero" – Bron
Anish Giri: "Surely an excellent book by Merijn van Delft! I've witnessed first hand in Wijk aan Zee this year the amount of meticulous research and hardwork that goes into those masterworks." – Bron
Anish Giri op de vraag welke schaakboeken leerzaam of inspirerend zijn: "The books that left an impression early on were O, Chess! by Karpov and Gik, My Great Predecessors Part II by Garry Kasparov and The Contours of the Endgame by Slutsky and Shereshevsky." – Bron
Anish Giri op de vraag welke schaakboeken leerzaam of inspirerend zijn: "The books that left an impression early on were O, Chess! by Karpov and Gik, My Great Predecessors Part II by Garry Kasparov and The Contours of the Endgame by Slutsky and Shereshevsky." – Bron
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