An inside look at the multibillion-dollar music industry examines the business practices of the big record labels and includes profiles of the kingpins of the industry
Copiously researched and documented, Hit Men is the highly controversial portrait of the pop music industry in all its wild, ruthless glory: the insatiable greed and ambition; the enormous egos; the fierce struggles for profits and power; the vendettas, rivalries, shakedowns, and payoffs. Chronicling the evolution of America's largest music labels from the Tin Pan Alley days to the present day, Fredric Dannen examines in depth the often venal, sometimes illegal dealings among the assorted hustlers and kingpins who rule over this multi-billion-dollar business.
Updated with a new last chapter by the author.
Atze de Vrieze: "Het leuke aan Hit men is dat je begrijpt hoe de industrie is ontstaan, maar ook kennismaakt met de ‘larger than life’ rock-’n-rollfiguren achter de schermen: directeuren, A&R-managers. De schalen met coke die bij bepaalde labels ’s ochtends rondgebracht werden zodat iedereen zo hard mogelijk kon werken. Het is ontzettend leuk om te lezen en geeft inzicht in hoe de industrie gegroeid is tot wat ‘ie is" – Bron
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